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The Next Generation                    of User Authentication

Highly differentiated security for devices, accounts, networks, and autonomous vehicles.

It's time to move beyond passwords.

71% of cybercriminal network penetration is due to credential compromise primarily because of simple passwords being used. Tegere's user authentication protocol allows enterprise and consumer alike to eliminate passwords for good.

Eliminate Unverified Access

Tegere prevents the use of stolen or compromised login credentials to access computers, accounts or network.

Easy Implementation

Tegere's software-based technology can be configured in minutes with no specialized technical knowledge.

Versatility in Application

Tegere security can be applied in enterprise and consumer environment to protect connected devices, user accounts, networks, and even vehicles!

Seamless Daily Use

Tegere's proprietary secure authentication process occurs automatically every time a user accesses their computer, account or network. No repetitive user input (like one-time code entry) required.

Unprecedented Security. Refreshing Usability.

Many businesses and individuals admit to having insufficient security measures in place and data breaches take an average of  8 months to be discovered!


At Tegere, we believe security should be relentless, but not complicated, expensive, or high-maintenance. We've developed our proprietary security protocol to serve businesses and consumers wherever they need to connect, whenever they need to connect, and whatever they need to connect to - seamlessly providing state-of-the-art user authentication that virtually eliminates remote exploitation by hackers.

The Cybercrime Landscape
Are you (really, truly) prepared?


The cost of cybercrime to companies by 2025 - a 70% increase in 10 years.


of credit card fraud occurs when the card is not present (CNP).



vehicles that will be connected to a computerized database by the year 2025.

1 in 5

of the current global population has had an identity record compromised.


of vehicle theft is "keyless". Modern vehicles are more hackable than many older generations because they have features like Bluetooth, infotainment, remote monitoring, and cellular connections .

Next Generation Security starts here.

Contact us to learn more about how Tegere is revolutionizing the world of secure user access.

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